November 12, 2024
Author: Alina
Using comma styles in your Excel worksheets can help improve the readability of your data. Read this article to learn how to use and customize comma styles in Excel.
How to apply comma style in Excel sheet
What is comma style?
The comma style, or thousands separator, is used to format numbers by separating thousands groups in a number with commas and to provide a standard format for financial or statistical data.
Here is an example
345678466.89 -> 345,678,466.89
Depending on the language conventions of your country or region, commas may be replaced by periods.
For example, in Europe a common format for numbers is 1.234,50.
In the United States, the widely used format is 1,234.50.
Using the comma style can bring many benefits to your work: it not only separates large numbers into thousands, making them easier to understand, but also improves the readability of numbers and ensures consistency in data presentation. These are all key elements to making your documents look more professional.
How to use comma style
Now that we know what comma style is, let’s take ONLYOFFICE Spreadsheet Editor as an example to see how to use it in a worksheet.
First, open the editor and confirm philippines whatsapp number data that the current format meets your needs. To do this, open the “File” tab and select “Advanced Settings” .
How to use comma styles in Excel worksheets
From here, go to Regional Settings and select the desired format according to your language and region.
You can also customize the number separators to your personal preference. To do this, uncheck “Use separators according to locale” and manually enter the desired separators.
How to use comma styles in Excel worksheets
Next, enter your numbers into the table
How to use comma styles in Excel worksheets
Simply highlight the number you entered and click on the Comma style in the Home tab .
How to use comma styles in Excel worksheets
All selected numbers will adb directory be displayed with commas separating thousands.
How to use comma styles in Excel worksheets
Now that you understand buy phone number material how to use this feature, you can start using it in your worksheets.
If you need a powerful editor for your documents, ONLYOFFICE Docs might be the perfect choice for you. Watch this video to learn all about the latest version.